«Agro-Liga» company also specializes in the supply of agricultural machinery and equipment. The company staff has considerable experience and tries to follow the innovations and new products in the field of agricultural machinery and promptly inform there customers about them.

Our company is committed to building a partnership based on understanding, respect and careful attention to the client's business, offering individual conditions of mutually beneficial cooperation. Timely execution of the contact terms, maintenance service of the sold equipment, response to any request from the consumer - that is what we consider important in a business partnership.

Tanks for the transportation of water and liquid fertilizer - TAPES

Ёмкости для перевозки воды и жидких удобрений – КАССЕТЫ

Ёмкости для перевозки воды или готового раствора предназначены для перевозки воды питьевой, воды технологической, жидких минеральных удобрений, рабочего раствора и других жидкостей на кузове любого грузового автомобиля — КАМАЗ, МАЗ, ЗИЛ, т.д. Установка может поставлять в емкостях 4 500 л