
Modern farming is impossible without the crop protection agents which protect your agricultures from weeds, diseases, vermins.

«Agro-Liga» company offers only high quality crop protection agents from leading international and domestic manufacturers whose reputation has been repeatedly confirmed by years of successful business and a lot of diplomas and certificates from recognized experts in the field of crop protection.



Rodenticides – drugs of the category of zoocides designed for dealing with various rodents: mice, rats, and other. Used in warehouses, granaries, grain handling companies. These means of protection of plants and the treated crops. There are 2 main groups of rodenticides: sinteticheskogo and chemical


Predstavlyaetsya adjuvants substances that enhance the production of antibodies in response to the vaccine. Usually used in the production of the hydroxide of aluminum as adjuvant. Special substances that enhance the production of antibodies due to the introduction of the vaccine, called adjuvants. They are used in Agricultural industry for stimulation